Saturday, April 30, 2011

MiniMonos treehouse of the week!

Hey Monkeys...
Calypso was on MiniMonos today, just you know, chatting with some of you, looking through a few treehouses -- the usual, when calypso had a friend message me saying I should check out LokiTerry's awesome treehouse!
When calypso did, calypso knew he/she definitely needed to choose it for Treehouse of the Week! :D
First thing he/she have to say about LokiTerry's treehouse is -- WOW! That is a lot of Banana Chips! What are you going to do with all those? xD Hehe! You could buy your own part of the island with all that.
Overall, LokiTerry's treehouse is put together super-well, and has an awesome pirate theme! :D Great Job Loki!
Would you like to see your treehouse featured here? Message him/her, Calypso, on Minimonos once you have decorated your treehouse! He'd/she'dlove to see it!
Calypso is on all the time so make sure you add Calypso as a friend so you can message him/her! ^_^

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