Saturday, April 30, 2011

its official! Pirates party!

Heres what miniJghRocks was talking about!
Hey monkeys! miniJghRocks here from MiniMonosExpress with some very exciting news!
For the first time in a loong time, we're having a MiniMonos party which is being organized by some of us monkeys! :D
You see, I came up with this party idea of Pirates Vs. Ninjas, then, Cade77 asked to join, so I said sure! Over the course of about a week, it became a team of 8 blogs participating! Those blogs are:
And at See You Sunday, EcoMom liked the idea so much she asked if we'd like to make the party an official MiniMonos one and post about it on the Go Bananas blog! So here we are! :D
Here's the party info (on an AWESOME image made by Mattybon!):

Isn't that awesome? :D  In case you can't read it, here's the info!
THEME: Pirates vs. Ninjas!
DATE: May 21, 2011
TIME: 3:00 PM Monkey Time
SERVER: Star Tiger!
ROOM: Castle Beach!
Awesome! So here's how it's gonna work:
Castle Beach will be split in half, ninjas on the left, pirates on the right:
Now, if you're a non member, and can't buy pirate clothes, or you don't have a ninja/pirate costume, simply show up and stand on the side of your team!
At the end of the party, we will have an "award" for the best ninja and best pirate! :-)
Hope you can make it!
Thanks Monkeys!
~BCN and most other bloggers xDD

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