Saturday, April 30, 2011

Newest Fan art Friday!

Check out this week's Fan Art Friday video:

Woot! Can't wait for the Pirates vs. Ninjas Party! Have you gotten a pirate or a ninja suit yet? They're on sale this weekend! Leave me a comment and let me know which team you're going to be on for the party! @(^_^)@
Thanks to everymonkey who sent in pictures for Fan Art Friday! If you have any you'd like to see in next week's video, send them to gwenw(at)minimonos(dot)com!

its official! Pirates party!

Heres what miniJghRocks was talking about!
Hey monkeys! miniJghRocks here from MiniMonosExpress with some very exciting news!
For the first time in a loong time, we're having a MiniMonos party which is being organized by some of us monkeys! :D
You see, I came up with this party idea of Pirates Vs. Ninjas, then, Cade77 asked to join, so I said sure! Over the course of about a week, it became a team of 8 blogs participating! Those blogs are:
And at See You Sunday, EcoMom liked the idea so much she asked if we'd like to make the party an official MiniMonos one and post about it on the Go Bananas blog! So here we are! :D
Here's the party info (on an AWESOME image made by Mattybon!):

Isn't that awesome? :D  In case you can't read it, here's the info!
THEME: Pirates vs. Ninjas!
DATE: May 21, 2011
TIME: 3:00 PM Monkey Time
SERVER: Star Tiger!
ROOM: Castle Beach!
Awesome! So here's how it's gonna work:
Castle Beach will be split in half, ninjas on the left, pirates on the right:
Now, if you're a non member, and can't buy pirate clothes, or you don't have a ninja/pirate costume, simply show up and stand on the side of your team!
At the end of the party, we will have an "award" for the best ninja and best pirate! :-)
Hope you can make it!
Thanks Monkeys!
~BCN and most other bloggers xDD

Pirate Vs Ninja costume sale!


Pirate and Ninja Costumes
Hey monkeys!
We're all so excited about the MiniMonos moggers' Pirate vs Ninja party coming up, that the MiniMonos Staff decided to hold a pirate and ninja suit sale!
For THIS WEEKEND ONLY, pirate and ninja suits will be only 15 shells!  That's a 10-shell discount! WOOT!
Be quick -- this special offer ends on Monday May 2nd!

MiniMonos Monkey of the Week!

MiniMonos Monkey of the Week!

Ello Monkeys... Hehe!
We hope all of you are enjoying the new MiniMonos pirate theme! With that in mind, we'd like to recognize a new Monkey of the week... Are you ready? ^.^
MiniMonos is proud to recognize...
BannanaRama as this Monkey of the Week!! :-D
BannanaRama always has his name somewhere on the high scores lists. He is a very hard working monkey when it comes to our games! You can always count on him for a great challenge.
If you see BannanaRama on MiniMonos Island be sure to give him a congratulatory Monkey High-five! ^.^
Thanks BannanaRama for being an awesome monkey. :D
Do you want to be the next Monkey of the Week? Try getting involved! Become a MiniMonos EcoMonkey, chat with us in world, comment on the blog posts, help new monkeys, write blog posts for Go Bananas and stand out from the crowd!
Show us why you deserve to be Monkey of the Week! :-)

MiniMonos treehouse of the week!

Hey Monkeys...
Calypso was on MiniMonos today, just you know, chatting with some of you, looking through a few treehouses -- the usual, when calypso had a friend message me saying I should check out LokiTerry's awesome treehouse!
When calypso did, calypso knew he/she definitely needed to choose it for Treehouse of the Week! :D
First thing he/she have to say about LokiTerry's treehouse is -- WOW! That is a lot of Banana Chips! What are you going to do with all those? xD Hehe! You could buy your own part of the island with all that.
Overall, LokiTerry's treehouse is put together super-well, and has an awesome pirate theme! :D Great Job Loki!
Would you like to see your treehouse featured here? Message him/her, Calypso, on Minimonos once you have decorated your treehouse! He'd/she'dlove to see it!
Calypso is on all the time so make sure you add Calypso as a friend so you can message him/her! ^_^

Zigs MiniMonos party!





MiniMonos word search #2!

Arrrgh Maties!
Hope ye be having a grand ol' time on MiniMonos!
Have ye be hunting for treasure? I hope so because now ye will be hunting for words! Har har har!
(Click the image to make bigger)
Leave a comment and let us know if ye find the words or if ye think it be too tricky!

MiniMonos see you next Sunday theme song!

Hey Monkeys,
Today at See You Sunday we had the premier of the new See You Sunday theme song with lyrics written by winning monkeys, Spottyfur and Jackstar!
The song was then recorded and sung by a friend of MiniMonos and Bananatastic, professional singer, Travis.  Here it is!:

It's awesome that you loved the song and many of you requested for it to be downloadable so they could put it on your iPods!
You can download the See You Sunday song by clicking the download button below, then the link which says 'Click here to start downloading from MediaFire':

Weekly High Scores

Woohoo! Time for the Weekly High Scores! Lets get to it. :)
Will Monkey Flight high scores:
Cloud Catchin' Monkeys!

  Congratulations to Cid for coming in 1st with 5344 clouds, WOAH! Llahxam was 2nd, and Johnm1234 was 3rd place! Nice work!
Flip Recycle game high scores:
Lovin' these scores monkeys! xD


came in first with a total of 3276 items recycled! JbJs was 2nd place and Shani5 was 3rd! I see some new monkey names up there, GREAT job! :D

Flip Go Go Green high scores:
Green Monkeys! :D


Momu came in 1st with a score of 366,250! LilyG was 2nd place and Sparkcharm2 was 3rd! Nice scores you have there monkeys. :)
Igor TicTacPoo high scores:
Can I get a WOOT WOOT? ^.^

BannanaRama came in 1st place! Monkeyrock came in 2nd! Georgie2751 was 3rd! Wow!! Nice going monkeys! :D
Bea Grow high scores:
Grow grow grow!!

was in 1st! Oohoohahhahh was 2nd! Enthiran came in 3rd! Bananamazing!
Love all the new high scores monkeys! Enjoy your week monkeys, see you around the island! ^.^

Monkey Fact Monday!

Hey there monkeys!
Hope everyone had a really good weekend because its Monday! WOOP!
Lets start the week off with some fun Monkey Facts!

The Japanese Snow Monkey is a very interesting type of monkey. Of course if you couldn't tell, they come from Japan. Hehe! You might also know these monkeys by the name of 'Japanese Macaque'.

I find these monkeys funny because they orginated in Japan, but live in many places in Texas, United States! Crazy right? :D

If you haven't seen these monkeys before, check out the picture below, they are just adorable!

As you can see from the beautiful picture, Japanese Snow Monkeys have red faces, and a super-warm coat for the winter. Another thing this photo unfortunately didn't capture was their abnormally short tails. It's not so common for a monkey to have a short tail, but not for these monkeys! :D

Hope you enjoyed this week's Monkey Fact Monday! Let us know your thoughts on these primates. ^.^
